Everyone is most welcome to join us at any of our Church Services
8.30 am Holy Communion
10.30 am
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Family Service
4th Sunday Morning Prayer
5th Sunday Morning
7.00 pm
1st Sunday Evening Prayer
2nd Sunday Evening Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Evening Prayer
5th Sunday Healing Service
7.30 pm (except July & August)
1st Wednesday Healing Service
2nd - 5th Wednesday Late Evening Office or Compline
(or Holy Communion if Saints Day during same week)

Prayer is an expression of our faith as Christians who believe in the God of holiness and of grace, of glory and of goodness.
As a Church family, we are invited to share in petitions for prayer by the points offered on the weekly Pew News Sheet. Prayer initiatives take place during the year, such as regular meetings, a Day of Prayer in the church and the 'Thy Kingdom Come' Prayer Initiative. Prayer is also encouraged through the Prayer Ministry Partnership which meets monthly following the Wednesday evening Healing Service. If you would like to join the Prayer Ministry Partnership, you would be most welcome any time. If you would like your Christian Name to be added to our Prayer List, we would be delighted to include it. You may contact us using the response form below.