New to St Mark's?
If you are new to St Mark's, please know a very warm welcome!
We are always delighted to receive new members to our Church Family. If you would like to know more about our Parish, then we that that what you find on this and other pages will be helpful.
On this page you will also find a general introduction leaflet to our Parish. Please click on it to be able to view the whole document.
If you would like to be added to our Parish Lists, receive a pastoral visit by our clergy or Pastoral Visiting Team, or respond to financial giving opportunities to our Parish Funds, the 'Getting in Touch' Leaflet should be very helpful.
To receive occasional mailings by email, a response form is also available on this page.
There is lots of information regarding our services and organisations on this website. Please have a look and see what is happening, especially in our Weekly Pew News found in the 'News' Section above.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact The Rector, or Parish Administrator.
We very much look forward hope to have the opportunity to get to know you more in the weeks ahead!
Rev’d Malcolm Kingston
St Mark’s Rectory
14 Portadown Road
BT61 9EE
Tel: 028 3752 2970
Church Office
St Mark’s Gate Lodge
44 Victoria Street
BT61 9DT
Tel: 028 3752 3197
Email : armagh@armagh.anglican.org