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The ‘Bereavement Journey’ is a seven week programme for anyone who has been bereaved at any time and in any way. The programme, which was developed at Holy Trinity Brompton, will be offered in St Mark’s Armagh’s Crozier Hall over seven consecutive weeks from Thursday 18th January (7.30 - 9.30pm).
By means of a series of films and discussion groups the programme gently guides those participating through the most common aspects of grief, enabling them to better understand their experiences while coping with loss and to discern ways of building resilience in response to the grief experience. While it is possible that participants will build a strong connection within the group, no one at any time should feel under pressure to share more than they are willing. We trust that the opportunity to listen will be a support in itself for those taking part.
Everyone will be more than welcome to participate, and anyone who might be interested in attending, or would like further information, should contact St Mark’s Armagh’s Parish Office (Tel: 37523197 or email:
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